Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 3rd in West Bengal in the category of Day-Cum-Boarding Schools by Education World in its India School Rankings 2024-25.
Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 3rd in West Bengal in the category of Day-Cum-Boarding Schools by Education World in its India School Rankings 2023-24.
Ranked 2nd in West Bengal Zone: South 24 Parganas ICSE Board School by Times School Survey 2023.
Gems Akademia International School has been awarded the ‘Excellence in Adopting Experiential & Practical Learning based Pedagogy’ in India K-12 Awards 2023 by Eldrok Schoolcanvas.
‘Gems Group has been awarded ‘The Emerging Group Company’ in the Times Brand Icons – East 2021 by Times Group.
Gems Akademia International School has been awarded the ‘Rank 18 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ in India, ‘Rank 1 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ in West Bengal, and ‘Rank 1 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ in Kolkata, 2018 by Education Today.
Gems Akademia International School has been awarded the ‘Rank 1 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ in Kolkata and ‘Rank 3 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ in West Bengal, 2018 by Education World.
Gems Akademia International School has been awarded the ‘Best School in Teaching Learning Practices, 2017’ by ASSOCHAM.
Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 1st in West Bengal, and 7th in India, in the category of India’s Top 10 International – Day Cum Schools by Education Today (India’s School Merit Awards 2016-17).
Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 3rd in West Bengal, and 55th in India, in the category of Day-Cum-Boarding Schools by Education World in its India School Rankings 2016.
Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 3rd in West Bengal, and 64th in India, in the category of Day-cum-Boarding Schools by Education World in its India School Rankings 2015.
Ranked 1st in Kolkata, 5th in West Bengal, and 57th in India, in the category of Day-cum-Boarding Schools by Education World in its India School Rankings 2014.
The TTIS Ambuja Realty Award, Certificate of Merit for Excellence in Maintenance & Eco-Friendly Initiatives has been awarded to GAIS for four consecutive years.
The ASSOCHAM Award for Remarkable Contribution in Facilitating Sports in 2014.
ISO Accreditation.
Ranked No. 10 by ‘Go Education’ in the category of Day cum Boarding International School.
Rated 4.3 stars out of 5 stars on Just Dial, based on parents’ reviews.
Awarded the “British Council International School Award (2015-18)”.