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Open Days

Let us show you around!

Choosing the right school for your child is never an easy decision. It’s even harder when you’ve only read about an educational establishment in prospectuses. There’s simply no substitute for walking through the school gates and experiencing a school’s atmosphere and facilities first hand.

That’s why we think it’s really important for parents, guardians and prospective pupils to pay us a visit before they enroll. We’d love to invite you to one of the many open days held at our school in Kolkata. So come along and have a good look around, or enquire about our official GAIS tours. Everyone is welcome.

Step inside

From Gems Akademia’s open days to special taster days, we offer a range of events and opportunities to help you and your child get to know a little more about us. Meet the teachers, meet the pupils, meet the principal and soak up a little bit of day-to-day life at GEMS Akademia International School – Kolkata. And don’t forget to ask lots of questions! We’re always happy to help.

Whether you’d like to attend one of our guided tours around our Kolkata campus, or would like to watch a live demonstration run by our students, we can’t wait to meet you and show you around!

To fix a school tour contact our Admissions officers:

 Admission Manager (Email: info@gemsakademia.in) (Mobile: +91 9051888888; Email: admissions@gemsakademia.in)